Apr 21, 2012
Maximizing Return on News
Apr 21, 2012
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From Klout launching brand pages to data on how children use Facebook, this edition of This Week in Digital underscores the importance of targeting the appropriate audience through social media to communicate a message. We hope you enjoy this round-up of digital news and how it relates to communications between brand and consumer.
Over 35% of Children on Facebook are Younger than 12
MinorMonitor, a dashboard that allows parents to monitor their children’s Facebook activity, compiled data on how kids are using the top social media platform. Through a survey of 1,000 parents, the survey found that 38% of the children on Facebook were 12 and under, even though it’s against Facebook’s policy. Over half of surveyed parents log into their children’s accounts to monitor their use, and the second top concern of parents (behind sexual predators) was that their children were sharing too much information. As overall Facebook use grows, it’s important to look at segmented use by age to optimize participation in campaigns. Many Facebook applications require users to share personal information like email, age and location so that brands can stay compliant with Facebook policy. Although Facebook is appealing to a younger audience, running campaigns on the platform may not be the most effective way to reach them.
Klout, the popular site that measures social media influence with a score from 1 to 100, has launched “Brand Squads,” its version of brand pages. Red Bull has signed on as the first brand to participate in the program, which highlights the top 10 and top 100 influencers as well as the conversations those influencers are having about the brand. These new pages givecompanies a quick way to see who their top influencers are and reach out to them with unique perks to retain them as brand advocates. cebook use grows, it’s important to look at segmented use by age to optimize participation in campaigns. Many Facebook applications require users to share personal information like email, age and location so that brands can stay compliant with Facebook policy. Although Facebook is appealing to a younger audience, running campaigns on the platform may not be the most effective way to reach them.
Screenfeeder App Displays Social Media On-Screen
Screenfeeder, a new app available for iPhones, iPads and Apple TV shows social mediaupdates one by one, in real time, on a custom background. While theservice wouldn’t beusedfor everydaysocial mediaactivity,the app can stream updates from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare at eventsand conferencesthrough an attractive and easy-to-read interface. For example,Screenfeeder could deliver livehashtag updates at an event, giving attendees the ability to view their tweets on a screen. As brands are looking to increase their online presence, Screenfeeder may be another way toencourage social conversationsand connect the offline and online worlds at events. ion in campaigns. Many Facebook applications require users to share personal information like email, age and location so that brands can stay compliant with Facebook policy. Although Facebook is appealing to a younger audience, running campaigns on the platform may not be the most effective way to reach them.